etcd client design

Client architectural decisions & their implementation details

etcd Client Design etcd Client 设计

Gyuho Lee (, Amazon Web Services, Inc.), Joe Betz (, Google Inc.)

Introduction 介绍

etcd server通过过年的失败注入测试证明了其健壮性。大部分复杂的应用逻辑已经由etcd server及其数据处理了(例如,集群成员关系对客户端是透明的,通过Raft层提交proposals领导)。 etcd server has proven its robustness with years of failure injection testing. Most complex application logic is already handled by etcd server and its data stores (e.g. cluster membership is transparent to clients, with Raft-layer forwarding proposals to leader).

虽然server组件是正确的,他与client的组合需要一套不同的负载协议来保证其在故障条件下的正确性和高科用。理想状态下,etcd server提供了许多物理机器的一个逻辑集群视图,并且client实现了副本之间自动故障转移。 Although server components are correct, its composition with client requires a different set of intricate protocols to guarantee its correctness and high availability under faulty conditions. Ideally, etcd server provides one logical cluster view of many physical machines, and client implements automatic failover between replicas. This documents client architectural decisions and its implementation details. 这个文档记录了客户端体系结构决策及其实现细节。

Glossary 专业术语

clientv3: etcd Official Go client for etcd v3 API.

clientv3-grpc1.0: Official client implementation, with grpc-go v1.0.x, which is used in latest etcd v3.1.

clientv3-grpc1.7: Official client implementation, with grpc-go v1.7.x, which is used in latest etcd v3.2 and v3.3.

clientv3-grpc1.23: Official client implementation, with grpc-go v1.23.x, which is used in latest etcd v3.4.

Balancer: etcd client load balancer that implements retry and failover mechanism. etcd client should automatically balance loads between multiple endpoints. Balancer: 实现了重试和失败恢复机制的负载均衡,etcd client应该在多个endpoints之间自动平衡加载

Endpoints: A list of etcd server endpoints that clients can connect to. Typically, 3 or 5 client URLs of an etcd cluster. 客户端可以连接的一组etcd服务器endpoints列表,一个3或者5个client的etcd集群。

Pinned endpoint: When configured with multiple endpoints, <= v3.3 client balancer chooses only one endpoint to establish a TCP connection, in order to conserve total open connections to etcd cluster. Pinned endpoint: 当配置了多个endpoints <=3.3的client,为了节约连接etcd集群的打开连接,balancer只会选择一个endpoint去连接。

In v3.4, balancer round-robins pinned endpoints for every request, thus distributing loads more evenly. In v3.4, balancer轮询为每个请求固定端点,从而更均匀地分配负载。

Client Connection: TCP connection that has been established to an etcd server, via gRPC Dial. Client Connection: 已经通过grpc的Dial建立了etcd server的TCP连接。

Sub Connection: gRPC SubConn interface. Each sub-connection contains a list of addresses. Balancer creates a SubConn from a list of resolved addresses. gRPC ClientConn can map to multiple SubConn (e.g. resolves to and of two sub-connections). etcd v3.4 balancer employs internal resolver to establish one sub-connection for each endpoint. Sub Connection: gRPC SubConn 接口。每个子链接包含一系列的地址。Balancer从已经解析的地址列表创建了一个SubConn。 gRPC ClientConn 可以映射到多个SubConn(例如 解析到10.10.10.1 and这两个子连接)。 etcd v3.4 balancer使用内部的解析器为每个端点建立一个子链接。

Transient disconnect: When gRPC server returns a status error of code Unavailable.

Client Requirements 客户端请求

Correctness. 当服务器出现故障时,请求可能会失败。 Correctness. Requests may fail in the presence of server faults. 但是,它从来没有违反一致性保障:全局的排序属性,从来不谢损坏的数据,修改操作最多一次语义,watch从来不观察部分事件等等。 However, it never violates consistency guarantees: global ordering properties, never write corrupted data, at-most once semantics for mutable operations, watch never observes partial events, and so on.

Liveness. 服务器可能失败或者短暂的断开连接。 Liveness. Servers may fail or disconnect briefly. 客户端应该在这两种方式中取得进展。 Clients should make progress in either way. 客户端不应该deadlock 死锁等待服务器从脱机状态恢复,除非配置为这样做。 Clients should never deadlock waiting for a server to come back from offline, unless configured to do so. 理想情况下,clients会通过HTTP/2的ping来检测不可用的服务器,并将故障转移到其他节点,并给出明确的错误消息。 Ideally, clients detect unavailable servers with HTTP/2 ping and failover to other nodes with clear error messages.

Effectiveness.客户端应以最小的资源有效运作: endpoint切换后先前的TCP连接应该要优雅的关闭gracefully closed 失败恢复机制应该有效的预测下一个副本去连接,不用浪费重试失败的节点。

Effectiveness. Clients should operate effectively with minimum resources: previous TCP connections should be gracefully closed after endpoint switch. Failover mechanism should effectively predict the next replica to connect, without wastefully retrying on failed nodes.

Portability. Official client should be clearly documented and its implementation be applicable to other language bindings. Error handling between different language bindings should be consistent. Since etcd is fully committed to gRPC, implementation should be closely aligned with gRPC long-term design goals (e.g. pluggable retry policy should be compatible with gRPC retry). Upgrades between two client versions should be non-disruptive.

Client Overview

etcd client 实现了下面的组件: etcd client implements the following components:

  • balancer会建立与etcd集群的gRPC连接。
  • balancer that establishes gRPC connections to an etcd cluster,
  • API client 向 etcd server 发送RPCs,还有
  • API client that sends RPCs to an etcd server, and
  • error handler 是决定是否去重试一个失败的请求或者切换endpoints。
  • error handler that decides whether to retry a failed request or switch endpoints.

Languages 可能在下面这些方面是不同的:建立一个初始化连接(例如 configure TLS), 编码和发送Protocal Buffer message到服务器, 处理stream RPCs等待。但是从etcd server的错误返回是相同的。错误处理和重试策略也应该如此。 Languages may differ in how to establish an initial connection (e.g. configure TLS), how to encode and send Protocol Buffer messages to server, how to handle stream RPCs, and so on. However, errors returned from etcd server will be the same. So should be error handling and retry policy.

For example, etcd server may return "rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = etcdserver: request timed out", which is transient error that expects retries. Or return rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = etcdserver: key is not provided, which means request was invalid and should not be retried. Go client can parse errors with, and Java client with io.grpc.Status.fromThrowable.

clientv3-grpc1.0: Balancer Overview

当配置了多个etcdendpoints那clientv3-grpc1.0会包含多个TCP连接。然后选择一个地址然后使用它发送所有的客户端请求。当client收到了一个错误,它随机选择另一个去重试。 clientv3-grpc1.0 maintains multiple TCP connections when configured with multiple etcd endpoints. Then pick one address and use it to send all client requests. The pinned address is maintained until the client object is closed (see Figure 1). When the client receives an error, it randomly picks another and retries.


clientv3-grpc1.0: Balancer Limitation Balancer限制

clientv3-grpc1.0打开多个TCP连接可以提供更快的balancer故障转移,但是需要更多的资源。Balancer不能理解节点的健康状态或者集群关系。因此, clientv3-grpc1.0 opening multiple TCP connections may provide faster balancer failover but requires more resources. The balancer does not understand node’s health status or cluster membership. 因此,balancer可能会被一个失败的或者分区的节点卡住。 So, it is possible that balancer gets stuck with one failed or partitioned node.

clientv3-grpc1.7: Balancer Overview

clientv3-grpc1.7 maintains only one TCP connection to a chosen etcd server. When given multiple cluster endpoints, a client first tries to connect to them all. As soon as one connection is up, balancer pins the address, closing others (see Figure 2). The pinned address is to be maintained until the client object is closed. An error, from server or client network fault, is sent to client error handler (see Figure 3).



The client error handler takes an error from gRPC server, and decides whether to retry on the same endpoint, or to switch to other addresses, based on the error code and message (see Figure 4 and Figure 5).



Stream RPCs, such as Watch and KeepAlive, are often requested with no timeouts. Instead, client can send periodic HTTP/2 pings to check the status of a pinned endpoint; if the server does not respond to the ping, balancer switches to other endpoints (see Figure 6).


clientv3-grpc1.7: Balancer Limitation

clientv3-grpc1.7 balancer sends HTTP/2 keepalives to detect disconnects from streaming requests. It is a simple gRPC server ping mechanism and does not reason about cluster membership, thus unable to detect network partitions. Since partitioned gRPC server can still respond to client pings, balancer may get stuck with a partitioned node. Ideally, keepalive ping detects partition and triggers endpoint switch, before request time-out (see etcd#8673 and Figure 7).


clientv3-grpc1.7 balancer maintains a list of unhealthy endpoints. Disconnected addresses are added to “unhealthy” list, and considered unavailable until after wait duration, which is hard coded as dial timeout with default value 5-second. Balancer can have false positives on which endpoints are unhealthy. For instance, endpoint A may come back right after being blacklisted, but still unusable for next 5 seconds (see Figure 8).

clientv3-grpc1.0 suffered the same problems above.


Upstream gRPC Go had already migrated to new balancer interface. For example, clientv3-grpc1.7 underlying balancer implementation uses new gRPC balancer and tries to be consistent with old balancer behaviors. While its compatibility has been maintained reasonably well, etcd client still suffered from subtle breaking changes. Furthermore, gRPC maintainer recommends to not rely on the old balancer interface. In general, to get better support from upstream, it is best to be in sync with latest gRPC releases. And new features, such as retry policy, may not be backported to gRPC 1.7 branch. Thus, both etcd server and client must migrate to latest gRPC versions.

clientv3-grpc1.23: Balancer Overview

clientv3-grpc1.7 is so tightly coupled with old gRPC interface, that every single gRPC dependency upgrade broke client behavior. Majority of development and debugging efforts were devoted to fixing those client behavior changes. As a result, its implementation has become overly complicated with bad assumptions on server connectivities.

The primary goal of clientv3-grpc1.23 is to simplify balancer failover logic; rather than maintaining a list of unhealthy endpoints, which may be stale, simply roundrobin to the next endpoint whenever client gets disconnected from the current endpoint. It does not assume endpoint status. Thus, no more complicated status tracking is needed (see Figure 8 and above). Upgrading to clientv3-grpc1.23 should be no issue; all changes were internal while keeping all the backward compatibilities.

Internally, when given multiple endpoints, clientv3-grpc1.23 creates multiple sub-connections (one sub-connection per each endpoint), while clientv3-grpc1.7 creates only one connection to a pinned endpoint (see Figure 9). For instance, in 5-node cluster, clientv3-grpc1.23 balancer would require 5 TCP connections, while clientv3-grpc1.7 only requires one. By preserving the pool of TCP connections, clientv3-grpc1.23 may consume more resources but provide more flexible load balancer with better failover performance. The default balancing policy is round robin but can be easily extended to support other types of balancers (e.g. power of two, pick leader, etc.). clientv3-grpc1.23 uses gRPC resolver group and implements balancer picker policy, in order to delegate complex balancing work to upstream gRPC. On the other hand, clientv3-grpc1.7 manually handles each gRPC connection and balancer failover, which complicates the implementation. clientv3-grpc1.23 implements retry in the gRPC interceptor chain that automatically handles gRPC internal errors and enables more advanced retry policies like backoff, while clientv3-grpc1.7 manually interprets gRPC errors for retries.


clientv3-grpc1.23: Balancer Limitation

Improvements can be made by caching the status of each endpoint. For instance, balancer can ping each server in advance to maintain a list of healthy candidates, and use this information when doing round-robin. Or when disconnected, balancer can prioritize healthy endpoints. This may complicate the balancer implementation, thus can be addressed in later versions.

Client-side keepalive ping still does not reason about network partitions. Streaming request may get stuck with a partitioned node. Advanced health checking service need to be implemented to understand the cluster membership (see etcd#8673 for more detail).


Currently, retry logic is handled manually as an interceptor. This may be simplified via official gRPC retries.